Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

They can fit almost anywhere. So where do bed bugs hide? Here are the TOP 8 bed bug hiding places, plus other spots that will surprise you. Learn where to look for them here.

What good is knowing where to look if you don't know what you're looking for?  If you don't already know what bed bugs look like and aren't aware of the other signs you have bed bugs, take a quick look now. I'll wait right here...


To understand where bed bugs hide, you need to know a little about their behavior. They are stealthy creatures that feed on human blood in a “hit and run” pattern. They come out (usually while you're sleeping) only to feed. As soon as they've had their meal, they scurry back to their hiding places until it's time for them to make another food run.

Typically, they hide near the food source, so you will usually find them within 5 feet or so of the places you spend prolonged periods of time. As an infestation grows, they do tend to spread further away from the main feeding area, though.

NOTE: The lists below only account for bed bug hiding places in areas where people are living. They don't account for how the hitchhike their way into your life in the first place.

So without further ado, here are the...

Top 8 Bed Bug Hiding Places

According to a study of infested living environments conducted by the University of Kentucky, this was the breakdown of the most frequent places where bed bugs were found to be hiding:

  1. Box Spring (34.6%)
  2. Couch and/or Chair (22.6%)
  3. Mattress (22.4%)
  4. Bed Frame and/or Head Board (13.4%)
  5. Other (3.1%)
  6. Walls and/or Ceilings (2.3%)
  7. Baseboard (1.4%)
  8. Dresser and/or Night Stand (0.2%)

What about that "Other" 3.1% in the number 5 position? The study didn't break it down. It was a combination locations that individually did not make the list.

Where Else Do Bed Bugs Hide?

This is a "usual suspects" kind of list of typical hiding places:

  • Clothing
  • Bedding
  • Curtains
  • Luggage, handbags, gym bags and backpacks
  • Luggage racks (in hotel rooms)
  • In/around clutter (particularly on the floor)
  • Closets (mostly near the sleeping area)
  • Coffee tables and end tables (especially if bedbugs are found in a nearby sofa or chair)
  • Under rugs and at carpet edges

Surprising Places Where Bed Bugs Hide

Bed bugs have been found in all kinds of places, so this is not an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination...

  • Behind/Inside electrical outlets and switch plates
  • Behind pictures and in/around picture frames (same goes for mirrors)
  • In wallpaper seams
  • Door and window moldings
  • Door hinges
  • Electronic devices (Cell Phones,Computers, TVs, Stereos,etc.)
  • Books
  • Toy boxes
  • Dog beds and dog/Cat cages
  • Laundry rooms (from infested clothing lying around)
  • Cars

You might be thinking, “This doesn't help me a bit – they could be anywhere!” So, keep this in mind...

The reality is (nearly all the time) bed bugs hide in and very near the location where they feed. That means places that you rest for long periods of time – namely your bed - and wherever you “lounge” when you're not sleeping. (Sofa, computer desk, gaming chair – whatever your seat of choice might be).

Finally,  lest you feel totally defeated and overwhelmed, I give you...(big sigh of relief!)...

5 Places Bed Bugs Do NOT Hide (usually) 

If you do find them in these places, you may have a very advanced infestation on your hands. (In that case, jump on over to the Bed Bug Pest Control section, because you need to take action as soon as possible.) Just don't do anything until you at least read the bed bug control 'no-no's...

  • Kitchens (unless this is your “lounging area”)
  • Bathrooms - especially not the bathtub
  • Garages
  • Unfinished Basements
  • Any rooms that are not often in use

Now that you know some answers to the question "where do bed bugs hide", it's time to learn how to find bed bugs in their hideouts and how to do it without helping them spread.

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